REALTOR® Day Stipend Update
Please read the message sent earlier this week regarding an increase in local association reimbursement as well as the change to where Texas REALTORS® is covering the cost of barbecue tickets. Please note that you still need to remit your count of barbecue tickets (initial or adjustment due to the news) by March 12 (originally March 10).
A Note from Travis
Please click this link to read a farewell note from Travis Kessler.
TREPAC Orientation Input
TREPAC is preparing their October programming and Connie Coots, TREPAC AE Liaison, is requesting feedback on what you as AEs would like to see during that programming (specifically the TREPAC 201 session). Please email Connie with any input by Friday, March 14.
Professional Development Subcommittee
The Professional Development Subcommittee considers programming for the Association Deep Dive and AE Seminar sessions in June. We’ll host our first (and hopefully only) meeting will be on March 18 at 2pm and shouldn’t last more than an hour. After the first meeting we’ll try to provide updates and make decisions by email. If you would like to participate in this subcommittee to help shape the June sessions, please email Jon Houser by March 14.
2025 Core Standards Open
The 2025 Core Standards Form is now open.