Consumer Ads Promoting Advocacy Efforts
Is your association currently running a consumer advertising campaign to promote how REALTORS fight for private property rights? Texas REALTORS plans to run a short campaign in March to promote advocacy efforts, and we’d like to ensure the messages don’t interfere with campaigns you have already scheduled. The media buy will likely include radio and digital placement. Please send a note to if you already have media planned for your market area in March.
Local Association Information
The Local Association Roster on our website now pulls information directly from M1. Please make sure your association’s leadership is updated in M1 so it’s correctly reflected in the Local Association Roster.
Countdown to REALTOR® Day
REALTOR® Day is 40 days away. Be sure to get your barbecue tickets ordered by the March 10 deadline. Below are links with additional details:
Reach out to Rebecca Dupree with any questions.
Links from AE Committee Meeting
Below are the links referenced in AE Committee meeting slide deck.
- 2025 Synopsis of Deadlines
- Three-year calendar
- Fair Housing Training information
- Core Standards checklist
- Core Standards FAQs