Model Comptroller Agreement
As was previously mentioned, the Texas Comptroller’s office has been reaching out to MLSs across the state to discuss an MLS data sharing agreement. We have included a copy of the Model MLS Comptroller Agreement, which can be used as a starting point to negotiate with the Texas Comptroller. Texas REALTORS® has worked directly with the Comptroller’s office to draft this agreement. The first page of the Model Agreement contains a brief explanation of how the Comptroller will use the data. However, because it is a Model agreement, it will need to be customized to fit each MLS’s needs. Please consult your association’s legal counsel.
Local Counsel Panel
Our legal team is gearing up for the Shaping Texas Conference and would like to take the opportunity to invite you and your association’s attorney to attend the Local Counsel Panel on the first day of conference. Please reach out to our legal administrative assistant, Cara Cate, with your counsel’s contact information by next Friday for the details regarding this event. Your counsel will be provided with information about upcoming communications and events they may deem useful. We will be offering the association’s attorney two CLE credits for attending.
Core Standards Form Cheat sheet
It isn’t too early to start completing the Core Standards form. Please feel free to reach out to Jon Houser if you have any questions about which activities may apply. Here are a few answers that every local association in Texas can use:
3. Yes, Texas REALTORS®
4. Yes, Texas REALTORS®
6. Yes, Mediation services are being provided to our members through the Cooperative Agreement for Professional Standards Services we entered into with Texas REALTORS®.
7. Yes, Ombudsman services are being provided to our members through the Cooperative Agreement for Professional Standards Services we entered into with Texas REALTORS®.